Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Eating Healthy Step 1

I think from what I have gathered from other bloggers on this topic that as we all know it is a step by step process. For most people you cannot just say, "Ok, I'm going to eat healthy from here on out" and do it. For instance in our home I started to get overwhelmed with the amount of processed foods we have. I felt the need to throw stuff away but then could not do it because of the waste it would be. Most things are not things I could give to a food pantry because they are opened.

So I asked one of the bloggers I read how she started her process. She said the first thing she tried to do was cut out High Fructose Corn Syrup. Yes, I know there are all sorts of commercials right now saying that it is not bad for you in moderation, that it is made from corn. When you really read, though, what goes on in the process to make it and how it affects our body you will think twice before buying a product with HFCS again.

So step one, I would say to take a look at what you are really buying. What are the first couple of ingredients and can you pronounce all the words on the ingredient list. If not it most like is not a good buy. If it has HFCS or MSG in it, find another product that does not have them in it.

This like I said before has been hard because even though I generally buy and cook healthy meals, some nights need something quick like pizza. I have struggled to come up with new recipes and creative ways to cook food so that meals are not boring but fun and tasty. It was suggested in the above link that you take one item a week or grocery trip and replace it with a healthy alternative. I am starting to do that and reminding myself it is baby steps but none the less steps in the right direction!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Welcome! I have been blogging for a number of years and recently have been playing around with an idea to blog about my attempts to create a more simple and healthy life. No I'm not a crazed go green person but I do believe in changing some of the products we use and foods we eat to decrease the hormones and chemicals we are exposed to. I was diagnosed with PCOS this past summer and have come to believe (at this is just my belief, no proof) that it was caused by the hormones I ate growing up and the amount of sugar I ate. I do not want to be on medication for the rest of my life and would rather change my eating habits.

Part of my idea for this blog is to take the information I have gathered about ways to eat better and ways to save money and put it in one place in as much of an orderly fashion as I can. I will generally link to the blogs I have gotten the information from as much as possible and then talk about my own experience with it all.

Anyways, welcome. I will try to update a couple times a week and hope over the next couple weeks to add some sponsors. I'm new to public blogging as my other one was more my personal journal and a way for friends to keep up with me. If you have any suggestions of topics you would like to see or ways I can improve I'd love to hear them!